He served in an aerial photography unit during World War I. He returned to the Dispatch in 1919. While with the Columbus Dispatch in 1924, Fisher created the two-color daily panel "Jolly Jingles." In 1937, Fisher created a one panel Sunday page of a farm family, called "Right Around Home."
"Right Around Home", like "Jolly Jingles" before it, were syndicated nationally. King Features Syndicate, the distributor, asked Fisher to do a daily version of "Right Around Home" in comicstrip form. This became "Myrtle," a strip that began in 1942. Fisher worked for the Columbus Dispatch and on his two newspaper strips until his death in 1951. Bob Vittur at that point continued "Right Around Home" through 1952, at which point it was retitles "Right Around Home with Myrtle." This strip ran through 1964.
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