Sex, drugs, delinquency, Black power, alternative culture, and, of course, rock and roll: these are just some of the themes which have attracted the attention of the cinema's bottom-feeders over the last eighty years. A few of the resulting films have become cult classics, but most were simply tacky -- few would probably now want to sit through two hours of High School Hellcats (1958) or Hot Rod Rumble (1957). The posters produced to promote them, on the other hand, are wonderful period pieces that vividly evoke the social fears, temptations, and taboos of bygone eras. These posters, from Alberto Vargas' artwork for Ladies They Talk About (1933) to Alan Aldridge's photomontage for Andy Warhol's Chelsea Girls (1966), are masterpieces of visual innuendo, offering, in most cases, far more than the movies actually delivered. Color.
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